Saturday, January 17, 2009


I am going to the aquarium on Monday! :)
I just thought I would share because I'm super excited! I'm going with 3 South Central girls: Tina, Katie, and Emily, and Katie Maloney and 3 of her Ayden Grifton girls. :)

I'm pumped for some fun car times, making beautiful fish faces, and sweet times with precious ladies.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I had mixed feelings about returning to Greenville this semester. Sure I love ECU and my friends, the families I babysit for, and Young Life, but I really don't like Greenville much outside of that. Plus, I had just been on all these amazing adventures, so who would want to return to a common place where you follow the same routine every day... psh, I'd rather be snowboarding. :)

But after being gone for a month, returning to see what God has in store for me this semester is exciting in its own way. So what does he do?? Blows my mind with my first experience back in Greenville....yay for Young Life Leadership!
I got a later start on the road than I had initially planned for, so I rolled onto Allen road right at 7, when I was supposed to be at leadership... obviously, I don't have time to go home, so I head straight there, and I couldn't have been more blessed. All the smiling, excited faces that filled this house warmed my heart and made me so happy to be back. Greenville is home for now, and since it is that, I can't help but be joyful. My friends, especially those that I am in ministry with and that I live with, are the most amazing people for this part of my journey in life.
Thank you, Lord, for that sweet reminder that you've made this place specifically for me in this season of life.