Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Yesterday was my 21st birthday!!! Its kinda ridiculous to think about, but oh so fun.

The entire day was filled with friends and fun and love. That's really all I could ask for. I wanted nothing more than to share that day with people that I love and care about.

I have the most amazing group of friends that can enjoy the simplest things and make the most fun out of any of them.
My birthday went as follows:
-the night before: sharing cake, laughter, and playgrounds with some great South Central Falcon Young Lifers
-being with Reid, Hunter, Aaron, Nathan, and Daniel at the stroke of midnight on the 11th
-coming back to an amazingly beautified apartment...complete with streamers from the fans, 3 posters, and plenty of balloons

-going to breakfast with the amazing Lynn and being served a brownie with ice cream and hot fudge at approximately 8:38am (and having the Cracker Barrell lady servers sing to me)

-going to school for the first time IN MY LIFE on my birthday (so unfair, and inappro)
-making a 96 on an exam... take that teach!
-going to Olive Garden for some wonderful food, conversation, and quality time with Aaron Scott Brooks (we did this last year on my birthday as well... boy am I thrilled that we could share this time again an entire year later)

-playing ultimate frisbee on a full stomach (not bueno)

-getting knocked out while making a baller defensive move.. thank you Reid Smith Warren... apparently since he couldn't get me drunk for my birthday he just decided to knock me out so I knew what it felt like

-sleeping off the pain
-finding flowers on my kitchen table from my amazing older brother

-going to dinner with him
-having wonderful friends over for celebrations that evening which led to four square outside at 11:00... because we so cool that we bring back old school

and our first roommate picture was FINALLY taken last night! Whoooo!

Again, I absolutely LOVE my friends and felt so blessed to have that many people show my compassion on my birthday. Thank you all so much for making it special!

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