This summer, I knew that the ministries that I was involved in wouldn't be meeting as much reguarly. In fact, FCA doesn't meet at all, nor does College Life. Collide meets some, but I didn't get a chance to go to the first few and they are going through a book... so yeah.
At the beginning of the summer I decided to check out Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF). They meet on Wednesdays from 6-8... they have dinner then, do a bible study for an hour. I had been asked to go during the school year, but the time conflicted with FCA...
The first few of the summer were great. I met some new people, who quickly became friends, and the bible studies were always great. We would discuss a topic dealing with our faith, and they always would bring up a bunch of bible verses in relation.
I haven't been able to go much these past few weeks because of other meetings, work, or being out of town, but tonight it randomly crossed my mind, and I decided to go. Let me just say, way to go God. It was fantastic. I didn't go for dinner because we had something with work, but I got there around 6:45 expecting the study to begin at 7. At 7 we sang some songs... Marvelous light, Mighty to Save, and Inside Out...awesome. We were waiting to begin the lesson because a woman had stopped by the house who was in need of a place to stay, as well as some food. Those were her physical needs at least. Kyle and Martha were able to provide food, some love, and listening ears. What a blessing...
While we were waiting for them, we decided to pray for the woman, sing some more songs, and then we began lifting up praises to God. Time passed quickly, and with Martha Grace and Kyle came back upstairs it was almost 8. They had planned a study though, so we dove into it. They presented the question of "why are we here?" Saying, what was our purpose in coming to Wurship that night. And on a broader scale, what are our purposes in meeting with each other? They read James 5: 13-16, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, and Hebrews 10:24-25. These verses tell us why we should come together as believers, and what we should do for each other when we meet. The floor was opened for discussion on this subject, as well as to offer up encouragement or concerns that should be shared with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Great discussion followed. One thing we brought up was that we should go out into the world and share our hope with others who don't know Christ. But as a cycle, we must be "refueled" in a sense by meeting with believers and encouraging each other after being out where Satan can beat us down.
I was very encouraged about our meetings with christians and gaining christian friends. When we come together we should always ask how each other is growing and how they can be lifted up. It is easy to hide our spiritual life, so if we are faltering, and no one is asking or challenging us, we can easily continue a downhill slide.
Martha Grace had a great quote tonight. She brought up the verse, "Where two or more of you (believers) are gathered, I am there also," and said that we shouldn't make God show up for no reason. --If he isn't discussed or honored, we wasted that gathering of his faithful.--
I am meeting tomorrow with my South Central girls from camp. I am going to discuss some of these verses with them as a way of introducing campaigners and our reasons behind encouraging one another in faith. God prepared me well tonight, but please be praying that they are open to sharing their growth and faith and struggles with one another and myself. It can be tough.
5 years ago